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Product Schema

This schema is an overview of the components included in each of the Neurotechnology biometric solutions, SDKs and components, and how they relate to one another.

BIometric solutions for national-scale projects

The solutions increase progressively in scope, with a larger product area includes the components of its smaller version. MegaMatcher ABIS Extended Kit includes all components of the MegaMatcher ABIS Standard Kit along with additional components as noted in the chart below..

Also, the MegaMatcher IDMS, MegaMatcher IDRS, MegaMatcher Criminal IDRS, and MegaMatcher Criminal Investigation can be used as stand-alone solutions or together with each other, as well as together with the MegaMather ABIS.

See licensing model and prices pages for more comprehensive information on specific product licensing and pricing.

MegaMatcher ABIS 13.2 Standard Kit (€ 14,990)
 + 1 Management Service
 + 1 Image Processing Service
 + 1 Fingerprint Image Processing component
 + 1 Face Image Processing component
 + 1 Iris Image Processing component
 + 1 Voice Processing component
 + 1 Palmprint Image Processing component
 + 1 Matching Service Development Edition
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (fingerprint engine)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (face engine)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (iris engine)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (voice engine)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (palmprint engine)
 + 10 MegaMatcher ABIS Client Application
MegaMatcher ABIS 13.2 Extended Kit (€ 19,990)
 Includes in addition:
 + 1 MegaMatcher Criminal IDRS
 + 1 MegaMatcher Criminal Investigation
 + 1 Latent Print Image Processing component
 + 1 Latent Print Matching Engine (Development Edition)
 + 1 MegaMatcher ABIS Galleries Support (3 galleries)

Biometric products for stand-alone or client-server platforms

The SDK products increase progressively in scope, beginning with the single-biometric SDKs for stand-alone application development to the single-biometric SDKs for client-server systems up to the multi-biometric SDKs for small-scale or large-scale systems. In all cases, the next larger SDK in a given product area includes the components of its smaller version.

For example: MegaMatcher Standard SDK includes all components of VeriFinger Extended SDK, VeriLook Extended SDK, VeriEye Extended SDK and VeriSpeak Extended SDK along with additional components as noted in the chart below. In turn, the VeriFinger, VeriLook, VeriEye and VeriSpeak Extended SDKs include the components of the respective Standard SDKs.

See licensing model and prices pages for more comprehensive information on specific SDK licensing and pricing.

MegaMatcher 13.1 Extended SDK (€ 4,990)
 Includes in addition:
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (fingerprint engine license)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (face engine license)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (iris engine license)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (voiceprint engine license)
 + 1 MegaMatcher Accelerator Development Edition (palmprint engine license)

Biometric products for smart card and embedded platforms

FingerCell 3.3 SDK (price depends on version)

Biometric solutions for mobile and web applications

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