Product Information
Product name: HSB ABIS
Product's field of application: Civil AFIS/ABIS
Developed by
HSB identification B.V.,
Helsinkilaan 4, 3446 AH Woerden
Phone: +31348433080
Development tool(s) used: MegaMatcher SDK
Supported scanners and hardware requirements
Dermalog LF10, Iris ID iCam R100, Canon EOS 2000D
Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Product description
HSB ABIS is a next generation, multi-modal Automated Biometric Identification System. It serves as a client-server storage and matching platform, to collect and search all kinds of biometric and personal data. It is part of the BioRegistrator® product suite. HSB ABIS is a flexible, open system with several innovations. It is used for verification, identification, de-duplication and forensic applications. The modern web based user interface makes deployment a breeze.
For this solution we gave the people a unique ID using fingerprint, face and iris recognition. After the vetting process people are receiving their personal ID card which will be used to access the locations.
One of the system's deployments is the social register in Djibouti. After the door-to-door registration of biographic information the biometric information of the targeted people is collected. The main goal is to check if the person is already registered to prevent fraud.
Brief information about developer
HSB identification (HSB) helps people to create their own unique identity. We innovate and deliver electronic identification solutions. With our products and services we prevent identity fraud. And with our help people around the world will be able to identify themselves, cross borders, vote and use health care.