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Product Information

Product name: Biostore

Product's field of application: Identity verification system

Developed by
Biostore Limited,
Oak Court, North Leigh Business Park, North Leigh, Oxfordshire OX29 6SW, Oxford
Phone: +44 0 14 346 00 230
Fax: +44 0 14 346 00 410

Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger SDK and FingerCell EDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000B, Lumidigm Venus, Futronics FS80

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista

Product description
Biostore is a central database which attaches a Biometric record, of fingerprint, Iris, palm print or in future any other Biometric identifier to a student record. Biostore allows schools to manage a single, central, secure biometric database which works with multiple software applications.
Biostore operates with the organisation's existing software. There is no need to replace systems already in place to implement biometrics. You can choose the best solution for the job, and use it with Biostore. Biostore cuts out the need for maintaining a number of different biometric databases in different applications.

Brief information about developer
Biostore Ltd specialises in providing Biometric technology for the education market. Biostore provides high quality, secure biometric systems to a number of software partners who already deal with many thousands of schools. After four years of system development, Biostore and its partners are at the forefront of Biometrics in Education within the UK.

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