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Product Information

Product name: Biometric Volunteer Management System

Product's field of application: Customer relationship management (CRM) software

Developed by
Smart Identification,
C-316, Kailas Esplanade, L.B.S.Marg, Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai
Phone: +91 9323036436

Development tool(s) used: VeriFinger Standard SDK

Supported scanners and hardware requirements
DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000

Supported OS and software requirements
Microsoft Windows

Product description
Biometric Volunteer Management System is used in Clinical Research Organisations.
The system identifies the volunteer before registration, hence blocks the fraud entry and better & accurate test results. System uses the finger matching system for the identifying the previously registered volunteer. When a volunteer is identified, the project administrator is able to see all volunteer's information thus enabling the administrator to make further decisions. The system is able to track research projects, as well as generating various reports.
Some of the system's installation sites are: Ashco, BBRC, CRBio, WellQuest, WeleSearch, DMRI.

Brief information about developer
Smart Identification is a company formed by a team of professionals and engineers having 15-20 years of experience in the field of electronics and software. The company provides solutions for smart card and biometric based applications - mainly in Attendance and Clinical Research Organizations. Company's experienced software team had worked on multiple projects in various fields.

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