Artificial Intelligence and Biometric Technologies
Neural Networks, Biometrics and Computer Vision
News ›

Focusonics® directional speaker product line now offers expanded capabilities and functionalities, focused on user experience.
January 14, 2025

First place in NIST ELFT for accuracy and top ranks overall among the performers with the newest latent fingerprint recognition algorithm submission.
December 10, 2024

NCheck multi-biometric attendance management solution now provides a unified platform for employee attendance, visitor management and access control.
November 4, 2024
Projects ›

2.47 million voters registered in 6 weeks, 27,192 duplicate registrations and 529 underage suspects identified.

17 million voter records deduplicated, almost 16 thousand cases of duplicate registrations identified.

UIDAI selected Neurotechnology and TCS to provide biometric duplicate checking and authentication for the Aadhaar ID program.
About us
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About us

Neurotechnology was founded in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1990 with the key idea of using neural networks for applications such as biometric person identification, computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence.
Recent awards

First place in NIST PFT III evaluation with best performance results in the majority of fingerprint verification tests.
Trending solutions

Contactless biometrics and identification from remote location.